I hate good ending. I want that good be forever with me. If it was end, remembering it was painful to me. I will be missing it. So damn hurtful. Asking question like why do we have ending merely solve nothing. Live on reality not fantasy. When peoples want to escape from something, they will create a world where they build there own dreams with no obstacles. If it was in reality, that was impossible. Life were meant to be difficult and lot of obstacles. Hate it, like it or not....the only option is to accept it.
Well, there is a reason why i wrote this thing....next week will be study week and that mean ending of first semester will be coming soon. Time flies so fast. I do realize. Others were excited to go home but me,,,don't know how to describe. Terasa macam na pergi sabah pulak,,,ehehe ^^ Pelik kan,,,kalo org tnyer, takkan x na balik rumah kot? Eh,,skati ak la~ lalala~ Kat rumah,ak akn jadi statik. Ak ni bukan org statik. Tahu x org statik tu ap? iaitu duduk suatu tempat x wat ape2. Owhhh,,,sgt bukan diriku. Mesti na kuar,jenjalan,,,i do enjoy walking around and if it a work, i do enjoy "busy" work. Ak penah bgthu kwn matrik ak,,,masa tu ak jadi bendahari and ak mmg busy time tu. Bukan stakat bendahari je ak jadi, AJK hadiah pun ak yg handle. Ak x gila kuasa. Dah ad org offer amik la kan. Peluang utk belajar bende baru terutama skali bab2 pengurusan organisasi ni. Ak bgthu dye, ak seronok sgt buat kerje ni, walaupun busy, ak seronok, busy yang bermakna. Penat yg berbaloi. Berkerjasama dgn org2 yg hebat.
Itu maknanya, kepuasaan dari segi hati sgt bernilai dan sgt x rugi. Gembira + penat + seronok + dpt pengalaman baru + dpt kwn baru + enjoy = Kepuasaan hati yg mantap ^_^ Ada org sgt menekan kepuasaan dr segi material dan wang. Ak x menafikan bende tu penting but we have to balance. That thing can be gone anytime. Can be dull and boring. Takkan na hidup mcm tu. Bile hidup kat U ni, otak ak kadang2 teringat kat kat movie 3 Idiots. Point cerita tu ialah, belajar sambil enjoy. Belajar tu harus tp dgn cara yg enjoy. Mgkin x sume org mcm tu tp for me, i prefer that.
Actually, i've no idea na tulis apa,,,tibe2 je idea sume ni kluar. Tanpa membuang masa, terus menukilkannya di blog yg da lama x dih"update" ni. Berhabuk sudah. Anyway, all the best for final exam and i wish to score the best.
p/s : Da la cuti ni balik 22 jan, abis exam 11 jan,,mmg ak x thu na wat pe,,, hmm,,can someone bring me jenjalan in sarawak?