Sunday, March 27, 2011

A New Life begins....

Greetings:) The moment that i've waited for so long have arrived...haha:D naaah,it's nothing,it's about the SPM Result...and before anythings,questions or answers or anything as long as it's reasonable...i'm happy for my result,Alhamdulillah:) even though,some of the subjects didn't meet my expectations but however,it's done,finished...and move on to the next stage of life:) as i always said before,let bygone,be bygone....the thing is what's next? ahaa,of course it's is about "which Uni do you want and what field do you want to be involved with".As for that questions,i will answered,University Nottingham Malaysian Campus and i want to be involved in psychology.Why psychology? It's because i love humans as i love to know their mind and behaviour works towards particular things such as enviroment,self,health...e.t.c.But the things is,is there a vast job markets for psychology students? Yes, can google it,yahoo,bing,Msn....e.c.t...LOLxp Most of the malaysians viewed psychology is related to "mental disease" which is uncorrect.You can be a a clinical psychologist or health psychologist.In both of this jobs,there are several branches like health psychologist,if i not mistaken,you can be someone who can advice the community about nutritions or the "eating right" method.Intriguing isn't it?:)

But anythings need for plan B,yes i've the plan B which is the UIAM and i want to take the Humanities Foundation or TESL...Plan C,hmmm,i didn't think it clearly yet but i'm sure they will come out later on.I heard a lot of things going debated now like Matriks or Diploma? Both of them is great but only the duration is different.One is short and another is long.Based on my result,i dont think i wanted matriks.Diploma? I think that's is plan C or D (LOL)...still thinking though:( Well,i hope i choose the best for myself and for the future.Wallahualam...

P/S: Thanks to my first follower,my "kak long":) <3 maybe someone will have a thought about it,"why i didnt have many followers? Have you used Adsense or nuffnag or e.t.c? Well,I've my own reasons why i didn't publicize to much about my day i will be like Hanis Zalikha,or Hana-Tajima or anyone who had many followers on their blog! or maybe i can do Vlog like Shaytard??(Wondering who shaytard haa? Go find in youtube...i love theee vlog that sometimes make my day=D)

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