Dalam minggu ni,ada perkara2 yg membuatkan aku gembira sgt,so happy till my tears drop,,seriously:')
14 JUNE 2012
Semalam ak gembira dapat jumpe kawan2 matrik ak,ak tak sangka dpt jumpa dyorang sume.Walaupun tak sume yg hadir tapi cukuplah dpt lepas rase rindu kat kwn2 practicum sume:)
Perjalanan yg agak jauh kot and many funny things happened (ad part yg x bole dilupakan,,hehe=D) membuatkan ak x rse ngantuk and bosan dalam keretapi.(Malam sebelum hari na g sunway tu,ak tido awal kottt sbb tkut terlambat pulak nnt) Kiteorg bercadang na bertolak awal sbb tkut ramai nnt.So dgn bersemangatnya ak pun bangun la awal,,,dlm kul 6.30 cmtu,,,(awal la sgt kann~~) ingat kan sempat la na naik train sama2 dr stesen batang benar,unfortunately,,,time ak sampai tu,kaunter pulak tutup,,,rehat katenyer di situ.Nak gune mesin tiket tu mmg xde harapan la,,,tup tup,train dah sampaiiii~ time tu mengelabah ak,,,ya ALLAH,ak punye la cuak.Terus ak call kwn ak tu ha,suruh trun dr train cpt,,,ditakdirkan pintu train tu telah tutup dan dgn pantasnyer berlalu lah keretapi itu ke stesen Bangi.Maka "terputus" la ak dgn kwn2 ak yg ad dkt dlm train tu.Waktu tu ak rse bersalah sgt dkt kwn2 ak sbb kelambatan aku.
Mula2,ayh ak na hantar g stesen KTM Bangi,bila aku fikir balik,baik ayah ak trus antar je ak kat Sunway,lolXD tp dgn semangat ak lagi,ak pun beli tiket ke kl sentral (sbaik da bukak da kaunter tu) dan akhirnyer,ak dan kwn2 aku yg "terputus" sebentar telah berjumpa di stesen Bangi =') Bila nampak je kelibat dyorang,perasaan gembira terbit dari hati aku=D senyum tiga! =3
The ride by train takes about 30 minutes i guess.Me n Yana were having long conversation in the train while waiting till KL Sentral but ferham =D we were guessing that he is sleeping on the other "koc".When we were on the KL Sentral station,we waiting for him but we did not see him getting out from the train.Sooo,,after a few seconds,i saw that he is still sleeping on the sit inside the train,,,me n yana totally "cuak" and we called his name out loud!
Perbualan yana and mas ketika keluar dari train,,,
Me : Mana ferham nye?? x nmpak pun,,,
Yana : ( tengah pandang-pandang train KTM)
Me n Yana : (masih menunggu sampailah satu saat ni,,,)
Me : Eh yana,ferham tgh tido la!
Yana : Mana-mana?! (skali bila yana dah nampak,,,)
Me n Yana : Ferham,ferham! (macam dalam drama dah pulakkk~~train pun berlalu pergiiii)
Memang time tu sume org pandang dgn wajah yg penuh kepelikan melihat gelagat kiteorg.Last2 call ferham tgh2 time mamai tu kan.Tapi yg pelik nyer,,cepat pulak dye sampai kat KL Sentral tu balikkkk,,,kiteorg yg still dekat underground ni, n dye dah dekat burger king kat atas inside KL Sentral dgn our other friend,Mira=) laju x laju tu haa,,,senyum tiga! =3
Then,we were having our breakfast at KFC and straight to bus stop and waiting~~ bus no.67 and heading to Sunway Lagoon! While queue to buy tickets,syazwan showed up and there it is,the gathering is now complete!
The time goes by and we really having fun in Sunway Lagoon,we go to the water park,extreme park,amusement park,wild life park,scream park (rumah hantu je yg ak tak na masuk).Dapat la aku merasa naik ATV,flying fox,roller coaster,pedal boat,pirates revenge,vultures :) walaupun ak x bermandi-manda,seronok still seronok!=D
Tgh menunggu ketibaan bas =)
Heading to the entrance!
hehe~~ =)
Queue for the ticket!
Budak ni cute la,,that y amik gmbar,,hehe~~ sory ye dik,,,
Ha ni la peta Sunway Lagoon,,,,besar kan tempatnyerrr,,,
Ape nama batu ni ek??
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I like this pic!! XD |
Cuak weiyhh time niihhhXD
Simbahan air!!
Ak x ingat la klo ak penah masuk sunway ni ke tak,klo x ni la first time ak g park without my family.Feel like i am adult,,,(acheheheXD) To anyone yg na masuk sunway ni,,,,ada dua packages.First packages including all parks and the second consist of three parks that is water park,amusement park and theme park.As for the price,after 25% off by using MyCard including the deposit will be RM85.This is for the first package.The second one is RM70 after 25% off using MyCard and including the deposit.The deposit is for the wristband and will be returned once you exit from sunway lagoon =D For more detail,,,boleh la layari laman web Sunway lagoon ni,,,,clik the link! --------------> http://www.sunwaylagoon.com/rates.asp
Bg yg tak pernah pergi lagi mcm ak ni,seronok mmg seronok=D Banyak sgt aktiviti2 yg korang boleh explore kat sana.Pendek kata,tak rugi la duit yg korang melabur tu.Berbaloi=) Ajaklah kawan2 korang ke or family bercuti kat sini.Tips klo nak lepaskan stress,boleh lah ke roller coster,GERENTI stress,geram,marah,sedih korang HILANG! hahaXD (ak menjerit mcm hape daaaa! sebaik sebelah ak takde org) senyum tiga! =3
P/S : Teringin nak pergi daurah =(
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