Boderline Personality Disorder....Have you ever heard of it?? Well,let me give you a rough view about this disorder,,,it's actually about you personality matter.The problem is you don't know exactly who you are,i think you don't know what your exact personality or identity.Sometimes,it can be too much anxiety,paranoia,afraid to be alone and everything is involve with the persona personality.Ohhh,you moods is often flactuate too.Why disorder? Don't you have anything else to post?? LOL,,,(i love to imaginate myself) It's because i wanted to...daaa...keed! The reason is....i might have this i make a research and read the causes,,,I was shocked because most of it i've it.I personally didn't want to make this is a big deal.I just wanted to share this abnormal thing with you guys,,,,,hey,sharing is caring rightttt?? =D
Actually,there's a lot of disorders...many types of disorder you can find.I even didn't know that narcissist disorder is exist.This show us that we,human is different and we are not perfect,,,,Even though you see one person is happy,vivacious,excited,jubilant (synonym...haha:)) but the truth is you never know what is happening inside them.From here we can conclude that you can't judge person by it look,,,,old saying "don't judge by it cover".But sometimes we did eh,,,and it can be an arguement.ohhh,i hate conflict=(
P/S: What did you feel when you're arguing with someone??
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