Thursday, January 24, 2013

Be Happy

As salam,,,

Hello everyone!

It has been a wonderful day to me. Alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah =') One of the best gift from HIM. The day before yesterday, result came out and i am happy for it. I longing such result for so long. I knew i will get it one day. But i know, ALLAH hears what i want and HE gives it because HE knows what best for me and what i need. Not to forget my parents who constantly gives Dua for me. Dua of parents especially from mothers are an absolute Dua. I thanked to them and i believe part of my result is coming from their Dua.

Congratulations to all of my friends. I know they already did the best! Whatever result you get, it was the best and don't fret. We still have another 5 semesters =)

The situation is normal when some of your friends get higher achievement then you do and you start feel envy or jealous. I do fall into such situation. I start to comparing myself with them. I start to questioning my ability. Where did i wrong? Why i can't get the same result like them? I had try my best but why? I have been into a school where most of the students are excellent students. They got 3.5 each of the semester. No kidding. Some of them get 100% for Add math while i fail for it! How can i not be jealous???

One day, i opened the Quran and i found this verse,,,

And do not wish for that by which Allah has made some of you exceed others. For men is a share of what they have earned, and for women is a share of what they have earned. And ask Allah of his bounty. Indeed Allah is ever, of all things, Knowing.
(Al-Nisa : 32)

 Dan janganlah kamu iri hati limpah kurnia yang Allah telah berikan kepada sebahagian dari kamu (untuk menjadikan mereka) melebihi sebahagian yang lain (tentang harta benda, ilmu pengetahuan atau pangkat kebesaran). (Kerana telah tetap) orang-orang lelaki ada bahagian dari apa yang mereka usahakan, dan orang-orang perempuan pula ada bahagian dari apa yang mereka usahakan; (maka berusahalah kamu) dan pohonkanlah kepada Allah akan limpah kurnianya. Sesungguhnya Allah sentiasa Mengetahui akan tiap-tiap sesuatu.
( 4 : 32 )

Then i pondered, do i have to get jealous with their result? No, i don't have to because in that verse teach me  that everyone will get what they have worked out. Effort what is important. Outcomes reflect your effort. In fact i should be happy because they are my friends and seeing them happy makes me happy. Well said Wafa, lolXD But there is an exception, if you are jealous make it as an inspiration to boost your spirit to achieve an excellent result for the next exam. Yeahhh!! =D

"Ilmu yang bermanfaat adalah ilmu yang diamalkan dalam kehidupan kita"
- Imam Al-Ghazali - 

p/s : Believe in HIM, remember HIM everyday, thanks to HIM, tell HIM, ask HIM, and smile.