As salam,,,
Howdy peeps!
Just this lately, i’ve been thinking about meaning of
marriage. Yes, we are talking about marriage. Suke kan? Hehe~ This question
came out while i’m reading the social sciences slide and been wondering about
it for quite sometimes. Definition of marriage is:
“The union of a man & a woman, or various combinations
thereof, living together in a sexual relationship with the expectation of
producing offspring”
I will say that this definition is almost correct. When we
come into the definition of something, it is difficult to produce a total correct definition of it. Trust me, in one of the lecture of Communication and
Society, we have to define a chair and after we define it, but there must be
lack of something. Thus, it is not totally wrong but almost correct. The same
when we want to define Religion. According to Durkheim, one of the famous figures
in ansos, stated that it is really hard to give a specific meaning to the word
religion because we have to consider the cultural diversity.
For me marriage means to foster sense of safety, security and
belonging. Well, of course we do have God who watches us 24 hours and totally
safe, Insy-ALLAH but because of HIS love, He gives us someone that can take
care of us in this dunya. He knows what we want and He actually fulfil it. When
He will give it? We don’t know so be patient la kan. I pun tgh be patient ni
^^V Dont worry be happy. I know sometimes we tend to follow our desired and
hard to control. We’re just human that why we have god to help us. Ask for his
guidance and make duas everyday,everytime,anywhere in any languages
,English,BM,Sarawak ke,sabah ke,korea ke,jepun ke,,,He definitely will
understand because He was perfect. Whatever that is exist in this world, He
knows :D
My ustazah has told to us once, if you want to pray, no need
to be formal, just talk like we talk to our parent ka,sibling bese.
Example, “Hari ni kan Ya ALLAH, ak rase hepy sgt sebabnyer ak dpt jawab exam
dgn baik, Terima kasih ya ALLAH’’ ataupun yg ni, “Hari ni kan Ya ALLAH,,ak
nampak dye senyum,,,suke2! Tp kan Ya ALLAH, ak tahu ak mesti jage hati ak
ni,,Ya ALLAH maaf kalau ak melampaui batas, lindungilah hati ak ni ya ALLAH drpd
perkara2 yg x baik.” Simple kan? J
We always read peoples’ post on FB saying that better you
telling your feeling to ALLAH than the FB. It’s true but still no wrong in
posting about your feeling or opinion onto something in FB but be control.
Ustaz Don had mentioned about this issue, I know that most of us want to be a
excellent muslim and mukmin but the capacity of each of us in doing something
is different. When you want to say that you must only tell your feeling to
ALLAH, looked at the subject or the people that you projected to. Is he or she
someone who really pious? Or just orang bese? If he or she was a totally pious
person, then go ahead with the statement. But if they were the latter, better
telling them “it is ok to luahkan perasaan kat FB but must be choose and
Actually i wanted to talked about marriage but tersasar jauh
pulak.huu.Never mind, we can always continue. The most important thing that
should have in a marriage is faith. Some of the married couples have to be far
apart because of the work mostly. Away to do some research la kan,,,i think
will become one of it...anyway, the role of faith played the important part
here. I believe, as long as you believe in you partner, jauh mane pun terpisah,
lama mane pun terpisah, sikda padam bara cinta dalam hati ya.
Marriage terbina atas dasar the understanding and the
feeling of believe, secure you had for someone before marry with them.
Understanding here mean you accept the way your partner is. Some peoples think
that the more sameness you get with your partner such as hobby, food, drink ka,
the more understanding you are or compatible. For me, it is ok if it was not
the same because the different between you and the partner what make you more
understand and compatible. Saling melengkapi dan memerlukan orang kate kan.
Kalo dah dua2 asyik same je dari setiap sudut, bosan kot,,,dull, x interesting.
But xde lah sume x same,mesti ada chemistry gak,,,mathematic ke,fizik
ke,,,hahaXD And that chemistry is something
that will come when it is the time.
So,,,this is my opinion and principal. Different peoples,
different principal, ways, opinion. Itulah ciri manusia kan, unik. Apa2 or
mane2 pendapat sy raikan. Seronok dgr pendapat org boleh menambah ilmu J
p/s : 2 papers lagi,,,pastu abis exam!... Final sem 1 drpd 6
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